We are committed to resolving complaints effectively, as quickly as possible. In the unlikely event that you wish to make a complaint, please either call us on 0151 363 5201 put this in writing to complaints@vanbuyersuk.com alternatively, you can post it to the following address: Van Buyers UK, Unit 1a Old Racecourse Road, Crystal Trading Estate, Liverpool, L31 8AW.
We will initially acknowledge your complaint. Please note that we have 8 weeks to respond to you with a final decision, although we will keep in contact with you during that time to update you with the progress of our investigation into your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with our response, or if for any reason the complaint is not resolved after eight weeks, you may refer the complaint to:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR.
Telephone: 0300 123 9123.
Our final response will:
- Provide you with a summary of the complaint, setting out the outcome of our investigation and our final view on the issues raised
- State whether we acknowledge there has been a fault on the part of our business
- Explain your right as a consumer to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are unhappy with our response, within 6 months of our final response”